A Message from the Björling Family
Family, friends and neighbors near and far,
It is with heavy hearts we share that Anders Björling, our Dad, our faithful leader and your friend, passed away on Monday evening, June 6. In Sweden, June 6 is “Nationaldag” (National Day) and Flag Day, where Swedes celebrate their culture and heritage by waving Swedish flags at ceremonies across the country. To us, it almost feels a fitting day for Dad, too.
For most of the past two years, Dad lived with and fought acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a quickly-progressing cancer that can leave those it touches with less time than Dad gave us. Dad and his care team at Mayo Clinic gave each of us an incredible gift of time and love during these years, and we will hold it with gratitude forever in our hearts. We also thank you, our St. Peter and Swedish Kontur community, for all your support during this journey.
As much as we already miss him, we are glad that he is at peace and is whole again. In our world, he is back with our Mom, Janet, who passed away in 2008.
Susie, who has been taking on leadership of Swedish Kontur over the past few years, will continue leading the shop in Mom and Dad’s memory.
Right now, we are taking time to laugh, cry and hold Dad in our hearts, and we will share plans soon for a celebration of his life.
In the meantime, we invite you to join us in carrying on his legacy by living boldly, loving tenderly and taking each day as an adventure to have and a story to tell.
With love,
Daughters Susie, Jenny and Lisa